The Pakistani Accent





šŸ’« The Pakistani Accent šŸ’«


Is your Pakistani accent holding you back?

Is your Pakistani accent standing in the way of your career goals?

Is your Pakistani accent stopping you from getting to where you really want to be?

Would you like to change your Pakistani accent?





The Pakistani Accent
The Pakistani Accent




The Pakistani accent is a multi-layered accent with emotive tones and dancing rhythms!


Undulating rhythms drive the intonation of the Pakistani accent.



The Pakistani Accent
The Pakistani Accent



In the Pakistani accent you can hear a backdrop of different rhythms; a musical cadence with colourful tones form the base of the Pakistani accent!


The Pakistani accent has unique sounds in its sound spectrum!




The Pakistani Accent
The Pakistani Accent



You can hear the Pakistani accent ringing out loud across the vast lands of Pakistan!



The Pakistani Accent
The Pakistani Accent



In the bustling marketplaces of Lahore, down the labyrinthine streets of the Walled City, the narrow lanes of its historic bazaars, you can hear the sounds of the Pakistani accent echoing across this urban landscape.




The Pakistani Accent
The Pakistani Accent



In the traditional markets of Karachi, a city, steeped in history and culture, you will hear the accent of Pakistan.



The Pakistani Accent
The Pakistani Accent



English and Urdu are Pakistan’s official languages; however, Pakistan is a multilingual country with over 70 languages spoken as first languages.




The Pakistani Accent
The Pakistani Accent



The Pakistani accent forms the audio landscape of Pakistan!



The Pakistani accent has very few vowels compared to English: it has only about half the vowel sounds of English.


Itā€™s the Sound of the Pakistani culture!

Itā€™s the Rhythm of the Pakistani People!

Itā€™s the Voice of Pakistan!




The Pakistani Accent
The Pakistani Accent



But, having said that, itā€™s important not to forget, there are some very strong Pakistani accents. A strong Pakistani accent can interfere with the line of communication when speaking English. Reducing and softening a strong Pakistani accent, can help you to improve your speaking skills.



Remember, Speaking is a Skill ā€¦.


The Pakistani Accent
The Pakistani Accent




And remember, your Voice is 50 percent of who you are! ā€¦.


The Pakistani Accent
The Pakistani Accent




Would you like to change your Pakistani accent?



The Pakistani Accent
The Pakistani Accent




The Pakistani Accent
The Pakistani Accent




British Pakistanis, Wikipedia:


Pakistani English Phonology, Wikipedia:


Pakistani English, Wikipedia:


Dialects Archive, Pakistan:






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The English Accent Tutor






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The Pakistani Accent
The Pakistani Accent






šŸ’« The Pakistani Accent šŸ’«


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